Marine Robotics Group
At the moment, I am leading two electrical projects in the Marine Robotics Group.
The first project is the Nova Motor, a modified Newport Vessels trolling motor which is being controlled with a PWM module that interfaces with a Pi Pico for use with micro-ROS. The second project is the ORCS Comms system, an OrangeRX-based communication system with a failsafe E-stop. I am looking forward to leveraging skills I gained in PCB design and electrical work while working on a prototype DAQ system for the Yellow Jacket Space Program.
Additionally, I’ve started work on an Intro to Microcontrollers with a couple members to establish a training program going forward.
One very interesting project which has been gaining steam this semester is the Microtransat project, which involves sending an autonomous boat across the Atlantic Ocean. The team worked on a proposal for funding, and after pitching our project, we were able to secure enough to get us on our way! I am quite excited for this. For my CX 4230 class, I’ve started work on a group project for a long-range ocean simulation for the purpose of path-planning.
NASA Big Idea Challenge 2022
I worked with some very cool people on an entry for the NASA Big Idea Challenge for 2022 over the winter break. I was researching a propulsion mechanism which would utilize linear actuators to propel a lunar vehicle over the surface. This would work in tandem with a novel anchoring system which was another research focus of the team.